Is Far Cry 3 the best game?

We all have our favorite games, whether they’re new releases or older classics. For some people, it might be Far Cry 3. But is it really the best game out there?
That’s something that has been hotly debated online recently and in discussions with friends. So, what are the pros and cons of Far Cry 3? Should you buy it or not?
In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of Far Cry 3 and decide for ourselves if it truly is the best game out there.

In the video game industry, there are some really big releases every year. These are games that are so big, in fact, that they can change the course of an entire industry. And this year is no exception.
One such game is Far Cry 3. Released earlier this year, Far Cry 3 has quickly become one of the most popular games of all time.
So what is it about this game that has captivated gamers? Is it its setting? Its story? Its graphics? Or is it something else entirely? In this article, we will explore what makes Far Cry 3 so great and whether or not it truly deserves to be called the best game of 2012.


Is Far Cry 3 the best game?

Far Cry 3 is the perfect example of what a Far Cry game should be: it offers unique and exciting gameplay with just enough depth to keep things interesting. This makes it stand out from other games in the series, both before and after, which often leans too far in one direction.

The main reason why Far Cry 3 is so highly regarded is due to the villain: Vaas. Though he was an evil and charismatic psychopath, one couldn’t help falling for Vaas’ charm and eloquence. It seemed like Vaas knew Jason Brody even better than he did.

Vita exclusive Assassin’s Creed 3: Liberation has now sold more than 600,000 copies worldwide. Meanwhile, publisher Ubisoft has revealed that shooter Far Cry 3 has since it’s launch in December 2012 sold over 4.5 million copies.

If you’re looking for a sandbox in a first-person shooter, Far Cry 6 is the better choice. If you want a well-crafted gameplay experience with intricate mechanics that enable freedom and creativity, it doesn’t get much better than Far Cry 3.


Is Farcry 2 or 3 better?

Far Cry 3 or 2? Far Cry 3 is a better game with more variety in gameplay and an improved graphics engine. However, the story is pathetic in comparison to that of Far Cry 2. To power-rank it based on story alone, FC2 gets the win.

How many hours is Far Cry 3?

Far Cry 3 is a long game. If you’re determined to see everything, you’ll likely spend around 37 Hours over the course of 15½ Hours playing to finish it with 100% completeness.

Is Far Cry 6 the best Far Cry?

Far Cry 6 was developed by Ubisoft Toronto, and it’s the best looking and feeling game in the series to date. While it doesn’t have the same narrative hooks as some of the stand-out Far Cry games, there is a lot to love about this open world experience.


Is Far Cry 6 is good?

Far Cry 6 is some of the most fun I’ve had with this series in nearly a decade. Its cast delivers strong performances across an enjoyable story that often takes predictable shots at unexpected targets, but it’s worth checking out if you like blockbuster games.


Is Far Cry 6 Just Far Cry 3?

The games share a common setting and tone, but they are very different. Far Cry 3 takes place in the fictional Caribbean island of Rook in 2012 while Far Cry 6 is set on an entirely new island in the Caribbean, Cuba-inspired Yara Island. Beyond their shared setting, these two games have no meaningful narrative threads between them.

Whats better Far Cry 5 or 6?

Far Cry 6 has made a number of improvements over its predecessor by including some of the more notable updates that made Far Cry 5 so enjoyable. Changes like unhindered story progression and new enemy types make for an overall better game with even more captivating adventures.

Which Far Cry should I play?

The peak the series has yet to match happened with Far Cry 3. Fans still recommend this game as a way to get started in the franchise, and even years later, it’s highly recommended.

Is Far Cry 6 and 3 connected?

Far Cry 6 is not a prequel to Far Cry 3 in any fashion. It has newspapers and radio shows from 2020, while Far Cry 3 has newspapers and radio shows from 2012.


Will there be a Far Cry 7?

The release date of Far Cry 7 is less than two years away. It’s possible, though unlikely, that it will be a next-gen only game in that time. If console supply issues persist, the inevitable spin-off game will likely be released before the 2020 deadline as well.

What country is Far Cry based in?

Far Cry 6 (2021) Set on a fictional island of Yara (loosely based on modern-day Cuba), a game centered on defeating the fascist dictator Antón Castillo, who seeks to bring his son Diego (played by Anthony Gonzalez) to be his heir amidst a revolutionary uprising led by freedom fighters.

Is Far Cry based on a true story?

Far Cry 5 might have been inspired by the Branch Davidian cult, a doomsday cult from the late 1980s. The Branch Davidians rose to prominence when David Koresh was appointed as their leader after his ascension from within the organization.

Is Far Cry 6 true ending?

Once you have Libertad HQ set up, destroyed Castillo’s boats, and completed the quest that gave you the boat to stay on an island, Clara will give you your new boat and offer to take you back. She’ll also tell you that she has a map with a secret but steady path back to America.


Which Far Cry 3 ending is canon?

Though the ending where Vaas dies is known as the non-canon ending, once he’s dead in this one, it becomes canon.

Does Far Cry 3 have a secret ending?

The Far Cry series did not have a lot of choices at the beginning, but they do rely heavily on decision-making. For example, in Far Cry 3, you are given two distinct options for the game’s conclusion. Yet, the choice does not come when you may expect it.


Is male or female Dani better?

The different looks for both the male and female protagonists in the game is cosmetic, not affecting gameplay or compelling story. “The Danis are equal; they’re both canon” was stated by Ubisoft.

Which gender is canon in Far Cry 6?

This is according to the game’s lead designer David Grivel (via Toms Guide), and it may upset some fans. Although neither gender is canon, female Kassandra was announced as canonical for Assassin’s Creed Odyssey post-launch in October 2018.


Which Far Cry 6 ending is canon?

Sometimes there is a happy ending. Sometimes the story doesn’t end with disaster and all of the characters meet the happily-ever-after and live happily ever after. There is some evidence that this is the canon ending, as an Easter egg found in Far Cry 6 states Hurk sent Boomer the dog to live on Yara.

Who is Dani Rojas based on?

Dani Rojas was the most likely source of inspiration for Javier “Chicharito” Hernandez. They share similar origins, attitudes, and prodigious talent. They’re both from Guadalajara and left Mexico to play in the Premier League.

How old is Dani Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 introduces the option of playing a female protagonist, Dani Rojas. The 25-year-old guerrilla fighter plays a significant role in the story this time around, and both her male and female voices are fully voiced.


Last Words

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s opinion on Far Cry 3 will likely be different. That being said, we think it’s a great game and would recommend it to anyone looking for an action adventure title that is sure to keep them entertained. If you have never played a Far Cry game before, now might be the time to give one a try!

While it’s impossible to objectively answer this question, I think it’s safe to say that Far Cry 3 is one of the best games out there. It has stunning graphics, an interesting and believable storyline, and a whole lot more. If you’re looking for a game that will keep you entertained for hours on end, then I would highly recommend giving Far Cry 3 a try.