How do you handle the tank in Far Cry 6?

Ubisoft’s latest game, Far Cry 6, pits you against a heavily armed and armored enemy. In order to take down these powerful enemies, you’ll need to use every tool at your disposal. One of these tools is the tank.
In this article, we will walk you through how to handle the tank in Far Cry 6—from upgrading it to using it in battle. By the end, you’ll have everything you need to take down your enemies with ease.

In Far Cry 6, you play as a mercenary who is sent to the fictional county of Hope County to take down Joseph Seed and his fanatical followers. Along the way, you’ll encounter a number of hostile forces, including a tank.

So how do you take down the tank? The answer is a little more complicated than just shooting it. In this guide, we will walk you through all of the different ways you can deal with the tank in Far Cry 6. From stealth tactics to explosive devices, there’s a way to take it down every time.


How do you handle the tank in Far Cry 6?

To get around to the back of the tank, you would walk on the opposite side and look for a fuel tank. Once you are in position, use an explosive weapon to target this area. Grenades, shotguns, rocket launchers and grenade launchers are the best weapons to use.

You need to climb on top of the tank and pull open the hatch. You will be given two prompts: destroy or hijack? When you select hijack the driver goes to exit the tank, you knock them out, steal a grenade, and toss it inside.

You can access the control room by heading to the Southwest portion of the Oil Platform and heading into the control room. Once inside, you’ll see a crane lifting up a container.

Most NPCs will move to their house whenever you do not appear in the area, without disappearing or despawning.


How do you let animals out of cages in Far Cry 6?

Cages are suddenly released to help defeat enemies around you. Make sure not to be standing in front of them when they do so, or else they’ll want to come for you instead.

How do you beat the tank in Far Cry?


How do you get an enemy tank in Far Cry 6?

To hijack a tank, it is a simple process. You need to throw an EMP grenade, then jump onto the tank’s top. If you want to destroy the tank, Dani will toss in a grenade causing an eventual explosion.

How do I get out of the gas chamber in Far Cry 6?

Escape through the vents


Can you hijack an occupied tank in Far Cry 6?

Players can hijack tanks in Far Cry 6. There will be many of them around the countryside and not have to worry about fighting them head on at first.

How do I free TIFA from the gas chamber?

Press the △ keys to sit up and press the △ key + the X key simultaneously to bring the keys to your mouth. Press one of the ◻ or O keys to free one arm. Press the button corresponding to Tifa’s unfettered arm to release the other and examine the device on the far side of the chair to shut off the gas.

Can you shoot the pilot in Far Cry 6?

Aim for the helicopter pilot’s head. Aim for a headshot so you have less movement to contend with. If you kill the pilot, the helicopter will crash, but be careful not to get hit by falling debris.

What is the most powerful weapon in Far Cry 6?

La Varita is the most powerful rifle in this game. It’s loaded with powerful bullets, which can quickly and easily take down the enemies that La Varita comes equipped with stopping power unmatched.


What sniper does the most damage in Far Cry 6?

The MBP . 50 sniper rifle is the best sniper rifle. It has excellent damage output and good rate of fire and velocity.

What is the strongest sniper rifle in Far Cry 6?

Here’s how to get the MBP. 50, the best sniper rifle in Far Cry 6.


Are there secret weapons in Far Cry 6?

In our guide, we talk about weapons hidden in the adventure game Far Cry 6. We’ll show you where in the world to find treasure hunts for these weapons and what you have to do to get them.

What is the best pet in Far Cry six?

Chorizo is the pet you can take with you around the wilds of Montana. He’s your friend, but he’s also a battle partner in Far Cry 6.


Can you catch a shark in Far Cry 6?

It is impossible to catch sharks unless you use a bow or blow, two tools that might make it easier to kill them.

What is the hardest fish to catch in Far Cry 6?

Angelfish are difficult to catch and even harder to find. One of their key skills is their ability to hide in small holes and avoid traps. If you want them on your line, you’ll need to upgrade your lure or the fishing pole a little bit.

Can you catch barracuda in Far Cry 6?

There are three different locations on Yara map that players can head to for Barracuda. But each one is located in a separate zone that can come with a higher level and deadlier enemies. In that case, players should start with Zamok Sea Barracuda fishing spot.

Can you catch the wild horses in Far Cry 6?


What happens when you collect all the Roosters in Far Cry 6?

Far Cry 6 has a total of 19 Roosters. It’s possible to find all 36 that are required for the Recrooster trophy, or that are rewards from Ubisoft Connect (online).

Can you catch bull sharks Far Cry 6?

You can hunt for Bull Sharks near the coast of El Este, slightly north of Concepción.




Last Words

I hope that this article on how to handle the tank in Far Cry 6 has been of help. In this guide, we will discuss how to best take down enemies and bosses in the game, as well as give tips on how to conserve your ammunition. We’ll also cover some useful strategies for avoiding enemy fire and getting the most out of your arsenal. So whether you’re a first-timer playing through the game or an experienced player looking for new tips and tricks, I think you’ll find what you’re looking for here. Thanks for reading!

In this Far Cry 6 tank guide, we will discuss different ways to handle the tank in the game. We will cover how to flank and take down enemies with a well-planned strategy, as well as some tips on how to avoid getting killed while you are trying to take down the enemy tank. Be sure to read through the guide before you start playing, so that you can make the most of your experience in Far Cry 6!